Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fun times

I haven't been able to think of good stories lately, mostly because I have to change things in them now. But, I think I have at least one now.

Last week, this guy stopped into our store. He was rather interesting. When I got to the register, where he was pacing, he looked me dead-on. "Do you know anything about cuts?" he asked me. "Well, what ABOUT cuts?" I answered. "Cuts! Like this one."

He rolls up his pant leg. There's an obviously infected cut across his leg. "I got this cut a few weeks ago. How do I make it better? I've been using homeopathic cream to fix it, and it isn't getting better. HOW DO I GET IT TO GO AWAY?"

I called John, my pharmacist, over. John sees the cut, and tells the guy to see the doctor, because it looks like it could be an infection. "Listen, John," the guy starts. "This isn't infected. It's looked like this for a few weeks. It's not a cut. You know how when you drink too much and your liver gets hurt, but after awhile, gets better? It's sorta like that. I cut it too hard and it won't heal very fast. I just want to speed it up. It's not infected. Really. I know."

This man was no doctor. Both John and I could plainly see this man's need for a good dose of some type of antibacterial agent, but this guy was too full of himself to be able to listen to our medical advice.

I just don't understand why, if they don't want our honest to God opinion, these people bother to waste our valuable time, when there were about 20 prescriptions waiting for both John and my attention that we could have done if it was not for this idiot. But he was sure it was just like hurting your liver drinking. Whatever.

Also, I got a customer complaint given to my PIC, John, the other day. Apparently, this lady asked for a refill on her skin cream (I think it was Vaniqa), and when I told her she had no refills, and that the doctor would need contacted, she told me fine. Well, apparently after the doctor called her at home and told her she needed a follow-up appointment to get more refills, since she'd been using that tube for about a year and a half (and I believe she actually got the tube shortly after it came onto the market), she decided she told us not to call (not true). So, John got an earful of how I was incredibly rude. Now, this lady is a whiner -- she has complained to us many times about how mean her doctor is because he requires her to show her face for an appointment every once in awhile to check her Synthroid dose, and all kinds of similar things -- so, I didn't get into trouble. But it was a good laugh, especially considering that she told me it was important for her to refill her Vaniqa. I guess she was afraid her ladystache would come back overnight.


KlemmCorner said...

I'm willing to bet by the hair on my chinny chin chin she's a nut case. We don't even take complaints seriously anymore. It's always a load of garbage.

the technician extraordinaire said...

That lady's been a customer of ours for a very, very long time. She goes to every local store at least 3 times a day. She's quite odd.